Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween! News Update

Happy Halloween! I'm just here to update everyone on the future of the site. First, let me start off by saying that I wanted to do a Halloween based article, but due to my busy schedule I was unable to do so. As disappointed as I am about this, I do have some good news. I'm going to start doing video reviews on different topics. As much as I like doing written articles, it does get tedious at times. Now I'm going to continue doing written articles on some topics but they're going to be short since I'm mostly going to be focus on my video reviews. I'm also working on making the site more "better" for your pleasure. Now if someone out there would like to help with the layout for the site, then with all means I would gladly accept your help. On that note, Happy Halloween, don't eat too much candy and be safe.

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